Rolling Stone: Live to Tell
Rolling Stone: Live to Tell
Rolling Stone: Live to Tell
Rolling Stone: Live to Tell
Rolling Stone: Live to Tell 
March 2015 
Vogue UK: Blue Belle
Allure: Blake Lively
Allure: Blake Lively
Allure: Blake Lively
Vogue Paris: Manhattan Transfer
Vogue US: Heat Wave
Portrait: Palma Violets
ATP Atelier: A Day in the Life
ATP Atelier: A Day in the Life
ATP Atelier: A Day in the Life
ATP Atelier: A Day in the Life
ATP Atelier: A Day in the Life
WSJ Magazine: Night Moves
WSJ Magazine: Night Moves
WSJ Magazine: Night Moves
WSJ Magazine: Night Moves
WSJ Magazine: Night Moves
Vogue UK: Two Weeks In September
Vogue UK: Two Weeks In September
Vogue UK: Two Weeks In September
Purple Magazine: Too Fast To Live Too Young To Die
Purple Magazine: Too Fast To Live Too Young To Die 
FW 2014 
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